

$ What is ACM VIT

ACM VIT, Yet another student chapter in VIT University. To the people it is. But, when it comes to the team, We take pride in claiming ourselves to be a family.


Family which realised my potential

I was never so thoughtful of myself. I never thought I could address and take sessions, hands on workshops at a gathering of hundreds, and what not. I never thought I could work on and create full scale projects. I never thought I could lead someone.


Family which helped me to believe

Believing was one of the most important things I learnt during my years at ACM VIT. Often, We tend to reject a task which seems difficult. Difficulty is nothing but a guard which ensures to keep us into our comfort zones.


Family which helped me to understand what is it to live

Soon after weeks into my freshmen year I realised, There is a lot to catch up. I knew nothing compared to others in my batch, Let's not talk about senior batches, They were way up!


Family which taught me to present myself

We live in era where no one cares about our talents if we cannot present. We need to present ourselves, We need to show them what we hold.
