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Family which taught me to present myself

We live in era where no one cares about our talents if we cannot present. We need to present ourselves, We need to show them what we hold.

I was never considerate about showing someone what I can do, I always believed if I know something then that is enough. But, I was very wrong.

VIT has taught me many things and one of them is “Knowing things is not enough and never will be”.

At ACM VIT I got the chance to improve upon this ordeal of mine. I had present my projects my ideas to the team. I had to prove I am the guy. These opportunities which I was given to present were the key to overcome my fear of presentation.


I took various workshops, various sessions, various GDs and various other things. All of these collectively, Shaped me into a better presenter.

ACM VIT “Believes presentation is as important as gaining knowledge”. These two skills should always go hand in hand.